ব্যাংকিং প্রফেশনাল এক্সাম (BPE)

ব্যাংকিং প্রফেশনাল এক্সাম (AIBB) বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন ডাউনলোড

ব্যাংকিং প্রফেশনাল এক্সাম (AIBB) বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন ডাউনলোড – দি ইনস্টিটিউট অব ব্যাংকার্স, বাংলাদেশ (আইবিবি)-এর ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা (Banking Diploma) ব্যাংকারদের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ন একটি বিষয়। যা ব্যাংকারদের ক্যারিয়ার গঠনে সহায়ক ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে। ব্যাংকারদের প্রমোশনে এর ভূমিকা অনস্বীকার্য। ব্যাংকে যারা জব করেন তাদের জন্য প্রমোশনের ক্ষেত্রে এই ডিপ্লোমা পাশে মার্ক রয়েছে।

নিম্নে ধারাবাহিকভাবে সাল অনুসারে দি ইনস্টিটিউট অব ব্যাংকার্স, বাংলাদেশ (আইবিবি)-এর এআইবিবি (AIBB) ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা পরীক্ষার্থীদের সূবিধার জন্য বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন সমূহ তুলে ধরা হলো। যা সমাধান করলে ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা পরীক্ষার্থীদের পরীক্ষায় পাশের জন্য সহায়ক হিসেবে কাজ করবে। AIBB (এআইবিবি)-এর বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন সমূহ পেতে সাল অনুসারে প্রত্যেকটি বিষয়ের উপর ক্লিক করুন-

আরও দেখুন:
আইবিবি ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা সার্কুলার, সময়সূচি, সিলেবাস, রেজাল্ট, বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন ও সাজেশন
আইবিবি ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা সার্টিফিকেট উত্তোলন করবেন যেভাবে
আইবিবি ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা মার্কশিট উত্তোলন করবেন যেভাবে
আইবিবি ব্যাংকিং ডিপ্লোমা ফলাফল স্ক্রুটিনি (পূনঃ মূল্যায়ন) করার নিয়ম

98th AIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2024 questions download
201. Risk Management in Financial Institutions (RMFI)
202. Credit Operation and Management (COM)
203. ​​​​​Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange (TFFE)
204. Information and Communication Technology in Financial Institutions (ICTFI)
205. Treasury Management in Financial Institutions (TMFI)
206. Accounting for Financial Institutions (AFI)
207. Financial Crime and Compliance (FCC)
208. Agriculture and Microfinance (AM)
209. Management Accounting (MA)
210. Marketing And Branding In Financial Service (MBFS)
211. Sustainable Finance (SF)
212. Shariah Based Banking (SBB)
213. Investment Banking (IB)

ব্যাংক, ব্যাংকার, ব্যাংকিং, অর্থনীতি ও ফাইন্যান্স বিষয়ক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ খবর, প্রতিবেদন, বিশেষ কলাম, বিনিয়োগ/ লোন, ডেবিট কার্ড, ক্রেডিট কার্ড, ফিনটেক, ব্যাংকের নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ও বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের সার্কুলারগুলোর আপডেট পেতে আমাদের অফিসিয়াল ফেসবুক পেজ 'ব্যাংকিং নিউজ', ফেসবুক গ্রুপ 'ব্যাংকিং ইনফরমেশন', 'লিংকডইন', 'টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেল', 'ইন্সটাগ্রাম', 'টুইটার', 'ইউটিউব', 'হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ চ্যানেল' এবং 'গুগল নিউজ'-এ যুক্ত হয়ে সাথে থাকুন।

97th AIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2023 questions download
201. Risk Management in Financial Institutions (RMFI)
202. Credit Operation and Management (COM)
203. ​​​​​Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange (TFFE)
204. Information and Communication Technology in Financial Institutions (ICTFI)
205. Treasury Management in Financial Institutions (TMFI)
206. Accounting for Financial Institutions (AFI)
207. Financial Crime and Compliance (FCC)
208. Agriculture & Microfinance (AM)
209. Management Accounting (MA)
210. Marketing And Branding In Financial Service (MBFS)
211. Sustainable Finance (SF)
212. Shariah-Based Banking (SBB)
213. Investment Banking (IB)

96th AIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2023 questions download
201. Risk Management in Financial Institutions (RMFI)
202. Credit Operations and Management (COM)
203. Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange (TFFE)
204. Information and Communication Technology in Financial Institutions (ICTFI)
205. Treasury Management in Financial Institutions (TMFI)
206. Accounting for Financial Institutions (AFI)
207. Financial Crime and Compliance (FCC)
208. Agriculture & Microfinance (AM)
209. Management Accounting (MA)
210. Marketing and Branding in Financial Services (MBFS)
211. Sustainable Finance (SF)
212. Shariah-Based Banking (SBB)
213. Investment Banking (IB)

95th DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2022 questions download
1. Management of Financial Institutions
2. Lending Operation & Risk Management
3. International Trade & Foreign Exchange
4. Information Technology in Financial Services
5. Management Accounting
6(a). Central Banking & Monetary Policy
6(b). Agriculture & Microfinance
6(c). SME & Consumer Banking
6(d). Islamic Banking
6(e). Investment Banking & Lease Financing
6(f). Treasury Management

94th DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2022 questions download
1. Management of Financial Institutions
2. Lending Operation & Risk Management
3. International Trade & Foreign Exchange
4. Information Technology in Financial Services
5. Management Accounting
6(a). Central Banking & Monetary Policy
6(b). Agriculture & Microfinance
6(c). SME & Consumer Banking
6(d). Islamic Banking
6(e). Investment Banking & Lease Financing
6(f). Treasury Management

93rd DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2022 questions download
1. Management of Financial Institutions
2. Lending Operation & Risk Management
3. International Trade & Foreign Exchange
4. Information Technology in Financial Services
5. Management Accounting
6(a). Central Banking & Monetary Policy
6(b). Agriculture & Microfinance
6(c). SME & Consumer Banking
6(d). Islamic Banking
6(e). Investment Banking & Lease Financing
6(f). Treasury Management

92nd DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year 2021 questions download
1. Management of Financial Institutions
2. Lending Operation & Risk Management
3. International Trade & Foreign Exchange
4. Information Technology in Financial Services
5. Management Accounting
6(a). Central Banking & Monetary Policy
6(b). Agriculture & Microfinance
6(c). SME & Consumer Banking
6(d). Islamic Banking
6(e). Investment Banking & Lease Financing
6(f). Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year June 2020 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year November 2019 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year July 2019 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year November 2018 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year July 2018 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year December 2017 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(5) Management Accounting Re-Exam
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year June 2017 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year November 2016 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year May 2016 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year December 2015 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year June 2015 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year December 2014 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year June 2014 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year December 2013 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year June 2013 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year December 2012 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year May 2012 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year November 2011 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year May 2011 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year November 2010 questions download
(1) Management of Financial Institutions
(2) Lending Operations and Risk Management
(3) International Trade and Foreign Exchange
(4) Information Technology in Financial Services
(5) Management Accounting
(6) (a) Central Banking and Monetary Policy
(6) (b) Agriculture and Microfinance
(6) (c) SME and Consumer Banking
(6) (d) Islamic Banking
(6) (e) Investment Banking and Lease Financing
(6) (f) Treasury Management

DAIBB Banking Diploma Previous year questions download
DAIBB all subject Questions – Banking Diploma Examination [DAIBB Banking Diploma Examination question of different years by Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB)]. Banking diploma candidates are searching previous year questions for their next exam. We collect different year questions for you.
✓ Management of Financial Institutions Previous year questions download
✓ Lending Operations and Risk Management Previous year questions download
✓ International Trade and Foreign Exchange Previous year questions download
✓ Information Technology in Financial Services Previous year questions download
✓ Management Accounting Previous year questions download
✓ Central Banking and Monetary Policy Previous year questions download
✓ Agriculture and Microfinance Previous year questions download
✓ SME and Consumer Banking Previous year questions download
✓ Islamic Banking Previous year questions download
✓ Investment Banking and Lease Financing Previous year questions download
✓ Treasury Management Previous year questions download

AIBB Banking Diploma Previous year question download
✓ Risk Management in Financial Institutions (RMFI) Previous year question download
✓ Credit Operations and Management (COM) Previous year question download
✓ Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange (TFFE) Previous year question download
✓ Information and Communication Technology in Financial Institutions (ICTFI) Previous year question download
✓ Treasury Management in Financial Institutions (TMFI) Previous year question download
✓ Accounting for Financial Institutions (AFI) Previous year question download
✓ Financial Crime and Compliance (FCC) Previous year question download
✓ Agriculture & Microfinance (AM) Previous year question download
✓ Management Accounting (MA) Previous year question download
✓ Marketing and Branding in Financial Services (MBFS) Previous year question download
✓ Sustainable Finance (SF) Previous year question download
✓ Shariah-Based Banking (SBB) Previous year question download
✓ Investment Banking (IB) Previous year question download

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