Fiction of successful life: Concept of Per Capita Income

GM Sorwar Biswas: Many economists, when presenting the state budget on the concept of per capita income, have been quite vocal about their per capita income in their budget speeches. They often say that the per capita income of the people of my country is more or equal to the per capita income of the people of other countries. They usually talk about the average per capita income, but they hide the vast inequality that may exist among the general population in this income.
Because it has the potential to increase the number of cats in the bag. So they said no. However, I am trying to give an idea through a comparative discussion of the two countries, let’s say the two countries have the same population and equal per capita income, then what is the difference? Surely you are surprised?
1. I think the population of the 1st country is 5 people and their per capita income is 1000 US dollars and the income table of the 1st country is as follows-
Population — US dollars
1 —————— 4400
2 —————— 300
3 —————— 200
4 —————— 100
5 —————— 0
Total ———— 5000
5000% 5 = 1000 average income.
ব্যাংক, ব্যাংকার, ব্যাংকিং, অর্থনীতি ও ফাইন্যান্স বিষয়ক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ খবর, প্রতিবেদন, বিশেষ কলাম, বিনিয়োগ/ লোন, ডেবিট কার্ড, ক্রেডিট কার্ড, ফিনটেক, ব্যাংকের নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ও বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের সার্কুলারগুলোর আপডেট পেতে আমাদের অফিসিয়াল ফেসবুক পেজ 'ব্যাংকিং নিউজ', ফেসবুক গ্রুপ 'ব্যাংকিং ইনফরমেশন', 'লিংকডইন', 'টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেল', 'ইন্সটাগ্রাম', 'টুইটার', 'ইউটিউব', 'হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ চ্যানেল' এবং 'গুগল নিউজ'-এ যুক্ত হয়ে সাথে থাকুন। |
2. I think the population of the 2nd country is 5 people and their per capita income is 1000 US dollars and the income table is as follows-
Population — US dollars
1 —————— 1200
2 —————— 1100
3 —————— 1000
4 —————— 900
5 —————— 600
Total ———— 5000
5000% 5 = 1000 average income.
It can be seen here that although the average per capita income of the 1st and 2nd countries is equal, there is a big difference in the income of the common people. If so, can you say that the wealth of a handful of people in a country is in the hands of thousands of crores of Taka and the income of most people is less than zero.
If the average per capita income is 50,000 US dollars, will it become a developed country and will the country continue to float in the tide of development? Therefore, the economy/ budget that is not able to reduce the gap between rich and poor, the economy/ budget does not lead to the improvement of the individual, society and the state.
Writer: GM Sorwar Biswas, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
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